Old_High Speed Camera


HIGH SPEED IMAGING  - Not all product are the same !

With the availability of numerous models, features and performance, it is mind boggling to choose appropriate model for your test

We provide a comprehensive 1-stop solution covering high-speed camera, illumination system, optics lens, triggering devices, motion analysis software and technique that will satisfy your test requirement, call us now @  sls@hitech.com.sg 

DEFENSE - Ballistic, Ammunition penetration and impact, Weapon launch, Rocket test, Fragmentation and Explosion

Academic Studies (PIV, DIC, Impact and Stress, Welding, Combustion)

Maintenance, Calibration and machine troubleshooting

SEMICON - Hard Disk - Electronics Manufacturing

Maintenance, Calibration and machine troubleshooting

Manufacturing - Packaging - Food & Beverage

Automotive Safety Conformity Test - Crash test, Air Bag test

Car-Car Crash, Barrier Crash, UN ECE-Rxxx test

  • Media and Advertising production house and Sport - 4K high-speed camera

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