Lynx Cycling


Capture Certified Photo-Finish Cycling Results

Cycling Packages Timing System

FinishLynx timing systems produce UCI-approved photo-finish results and are used at the very highest levels of Road Cycling, Velodrome, and BMX Racing. World-Class venues like Beijing National Stadium and the Velódromo Mallorca (site of the UCI World Championships) trust their photo-finish results to FinishLynx technology.

Accurate Cycling Timing Made Easy


Lynx cameras can capture for hours and initial results can be generated before all riders have finished


FinishLynx is trusted by the UCI and countless other sports governing bodies across the world


FinishLynx integrates with countless third-party devices including displays, photo-cells, RFID tags, and more


The modular design of FinishLynx allows components to be added or removed for different types of races

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